Open Veins

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wrapping Up JulNoWriMo and My New Trilogy

Hello, patient reader,

Basically, what happened to me for the past near month is I got lost in my writing. I wrote most of a rough draft of an as yet untitled novel in July for JulNoWriMo. (I'm sure I've mentioned that before, but in case someone wasn't paying attention, like me, the whole class gets to hear it again.)

By the beginning of August, I was worn down and burnt out. I didn't want to look at the story of the cop I'd crafted so lovingly, the tale of the woman whose life had captivated me for months, and I have to admit to getting a little morose. I thought for nearly two weeks that I would never come up with a story idea I could stick to like my July story, but I've found it.

I found something so strange and unusual, I'm still gawking at the maps and the plans in awe. A trilogy was born from the tiniest seed, something that had been gnawing at me for years, and it has taken on a life of its own. Every time I look at it, I learn more. I'm thrilled to be starting, even if I am late for the contest.

As for my thoughts on July? My writing muscles are getting stronger, but I still need to practice more. I need to make myself write every day, even if it is only one word. If I can build the habit, writing will never let me go (just like cigarettes, but writing won't give me cancer). I'll be happy to get back to my good friend Harry's story in a few months, maybe the month before or after NaNoWriMo. My red pen will definitely be itching to go through the story by then.

I haven't been writing any more short fiction, but I guess that's just how my writing flows. I'm happy to be world-building and planning out my first trilogy. Have you ever created a world, readers? Have you built races and a bestiary for someplace not entirely like our own world? Tell me about it in the comments! I'm dying to compare my experience with the experiences of others.

Until Next Time,
Coda R. Napeland